Our Video Page

We often catch something cute or interesting on our farm. 

New queen bee hatching

New queen at work

This is a video of a new queen bee hatching. The workers are grooming her as she is emerging. If you listen closely you can her her piping as well. 
This is one of our new queens out looking for a place to lay her eggs. 

Hive Swarming

This hive was getting ready to swarm. 

Old Case 310

Good old fashion fun with this Case 310 track loader that we used to own. 

Strength of hive in Feb.

Bees and snow?

It had been extremely cold for a couple of weeks. These bees were getting some fresh air in 40+ degree weather. 
This hive was working hard in February. Fresh comb and even drone brood. 
Hours of Operation
Monday - Saturday 9:30am - 8:00pm 

3279 Pleasant Hill Rd
Martin, TN 38237